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Go Fish

Go Fish card game (also the name Fish is used) is a very simple fishing card game which is performed by 2 up to 5 players. It is a game of skills as well. The standard 52-card deck is used to perform the Go Fish activity.

The next procedures form the gameplay:

  • The dealer delivers 5 cards to each player (or 7 cards if there are only 4 participants or fewer);
  • The remaining cards form the non-orderly pile (so-called ocean) and then shared between the players in the process of game;
  • The player who acts first asks the other player for cards with a particular rank. E.g. "Mike, do you have 7's?" Not out of place to mention that the player who asks cannot really inquire of a card which he/she hasn't in his/her own possession. Thus the player can't ask for 7's if he has none of them. Plus it's a signal for other players, that the player who asks 7's has at least one of them in his own hand;
  • The person who was asked for 7's must hand them over to the inquirer if he has them in the hand;
  • If the asked participant has no 7's then he responds in a manner and says to the inquirer to go fish and thus the asking person draws the card out of the improvised ocean;
  • Then the turn goes to the next participant who was asked just before;
  • In case of a player has gathered 4 cards of the same ran, he/she puts them face down aside and thus form a book;
  • The game doesn't stop in the event that the player discards all his hand. In this case he/she just takes in cards from the ocean;
  • The game process finishes if all the cards are used and all the books are formed;
  • The Go Fish card game winner is the person who obtains more books than the others.


Go Fish card game possesses the next strategy tips for responsible players to memorize:

  • If the player draws from the ocean a card with the rank he/she doesn't not possess the he/she should ask for this rank on the next turn;
  • Otherwise the players should ask the ranks they already have in possession only;
  • The player should always memorize the ranks which the other players ask during their turns;
  • Play honorably and never try to cheat.